Refund Policy - Updated August 2021

    The refund policy of the Russell Curling Club is intended to address requests for a refund of Regular Membership and League fees only.

    Capital assessment fees, Associate member fees, Locker fees and other Administrative fees are NOT refundable.

    A refund of eligible fees will be granted if the request is received in writing BEFORE the member’s FIRST day of curling.

    Once league play has begun, refunds will only be granted under exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

    Forced closures

    In situations where the club does not open at all or if the club is forced to close for part of the season, e.g. due to Public Health order, Government legislation, or the RCC Board requires the RCC to close, members who have paid their fees will be reimbursed all their paid fees if such closure is declared before the season begins.

    If the season has already started, a refund of League fees will be prorated based on the number of weeks that remain to be played in the schedule. Capital assessment, Regular membership and Associate membership fees and other Administrative fees will not be reimbursed as expenses would have already been incurred (e.g. ice installation).

    Refunds will be calculated and issued at end of season.

    credit cards

    Upcoming Events

    • Mar
      09:00 AM
    • Nov
      Ice Breaker - U15
      12:00 AM
    • Jan
      Goldline U12 Little Rock Zone 1 Playdowns
      12:00 AM