Rowan's Law - Your Responsibility

    On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.

    If you are an athlete under 26 years of age, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official you need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law you need to:

    1. review Ontario's official Concussion Awareness Resources appropriate for the athlete before registering or serving with the Russell Curling Club (e.g. step foot on the ice);
      1. Athletes 10 years old and under
      2. Athletes 11 to 14 years old
      3. Athletes 15 years old and up
    2. review the Russell Curling Club’s Concussion Code of Conduct; and
    3. confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources every year with the Russell Curling Club by signing the “Receipt of Review” form and giving to YOUR coach.

    If you are involved in more than one sport

    No matter how many sport organizations you register with in a given year, you are only required to review a Concussion Awareness Resource once within that year. You are however required to confirm your review of a Concussion Awareness Resource with each sport organization with which you register.

    You are also required to both (i) review and (ii) confirm your review of the Concussion Code of Conduct for each sport organization with which you register.

    Curlers are also encouraged to familiarized themsevles with Curling Canada's CONCUSSION GUIDELINES AND RETURN TO PLAY POLICY

    Additional resources can be found at


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      09:00 AM
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      Ice Breaker - U15
      12:00 AM
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      Goldline U12 Little Rock Zone 1 Playdowns
      12:00 AM