How to Track my Volunteer Hours?

    Each member is responsible to track their own volunteer hours. Hours recorded will render you eligible for monthly draws for a token prize.

    For every 8 hours of volunteer service, you will be eligible to win a basic single membership fee (does not include capital assessment or OVCA fees) in a draw that takes place at the end of the curling season.


    Here's how to track your hours:

    1. Login to 
    2. In the Member menu, select My Volunteer Hours under Member Information 
      mnuVol hours 

    3. In the calendar, click on the date you volunteered - the date will populate the date field, e.g. "2018-09-13"Volunteer Date

    4. In the Event drop down, select how you volunteered. For example if you are assigned to bar by your League Convenor, select "Bar - Open & Close" or "Bar - Main".
      Volunteer Event
    5. For Events "Bonspiels" and "Club Support", also select the Task details, e.g. "Administration (Fundraising, ...)".  Add an optional Comment.
      Volunteer Task
    6. Enter the time in hours:minutes, separated by a colon ":", e.g. "2:00",  then click SAVE
    7. Your volunteer hours will be recorded below; you can click the EDIT button to make changes, or DELETE to remove it
      Volunteer Record

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